Medical Vein Treatment vs. Natural Remedies: Common Myths Debunked

August 25, 2020

Your grandparents probably had them. Your parents might have them. Maybe you’ve even noticed those raised, twisted veins making an appearance on your legs. If you don’t have varicose veins, count yourself lucky. An estimated 20% of all adults will be affected by varicose veins at some point, making it a prevalent concern among both […]

Top 5 Best Workouts for Stronger Veins

July 15, 2019

Leg Exercises to Get You Beach Ready

Most people know that regular exercise is good for you. It can help to maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of disease and even improve brain function, but did you know that exercise is good for your veins as well? Exercise not only promotes healthy circulation and blood flow, but it also helps you […]

How Do Varicose Veins Affect the Skin?

November 8, 2017

woman with varicose veins

On top of being unsightly and embarrassing, bulging varicose veins can create a whole host of problems for your skin. Many people may consider varicose veins to simply be an aesthetic concern, but they can cause severe discomfort and lasting skin conditions if left untreated. From varicose eczema, to spider veins, to leg ulcers, venous […]

Minimally Invasive Treatment Options for Varicose Veins

October 23, 2017

woman with varicose veins

More than 50 percent of people suffer from some sort of vein issue, be it unsightly spider veins or painful, sometimes debilitating varicose veins. You may seek treatment for spider or varicose veins because they are unpleasant to look at, or because the discomfort has become too much to ignore, but these veins are actually […]

Taking Care of Your Legs After a Vein Treatment

woman applying lotion on varicose veins

Once you’ve had a vein procedure to address the varicose or spider veins that have been bothering you and causing discomfort, it’s time to think about post-procedure care. Each vein treatment at The Vein Center of Florida and The Vein Center of South Baldwin is different, so there may be different ways to care for […]

Arteries vs. Veins: What’s the difference?

Spider & Varicose Veins

At the Vein Centers of Florida and South Baldwin, we specialize in removing unsightly and painful varicose and spider veins. Varicose and spider veins are conditions that affect a large population of people, especially women. Understanding how the veins work and how these natural deformities are caused is essential in understanding how to treat them. […]

Weight Gain and Vein Disease: How are the two related?

June 6, 2017

vein disease and weight gain

Venous insufficiency and chronic venous disease are two conditions you have heard about in your consultation with Dr. Jimenez and likely during your visit with the cardiologist. Vein disease develops within the body based on external and internal stresses that affect the way in which one-way (upward) venous blood flow drives blood from the lower […]

Vein Health 101

March 14, 2017

Vein Disorder Treatment

You may not think much about your veins – until one of those bulging varicose veins suddenly appears on your lower leg. While it may seem like that vein came out of nowhere, there was an entire process that went on inside your veins to contribute to its development. To understand varicose veins, it is […]