Varicose Veins

Veins are an essential component of our bodies. They help move blood through the circulatory system, which provides crucial nutrients and oxygen to tissues and organs. Unfortunately, several factors can diminish the quality of our veins, which may lead to dangerous consequences.

Varicose veins are one of the most common vein health concerns. These large, bulging, rope-like blood vessels can take a serious toll on your self-confidence, but they’re more than just a cosmetic nuisance — if left untreated, varicose veins can become painful and indicate that a more dangerous health problem is at play. Fortunately, with the precision treatments available at The Vein Center of Florida & South Baldwin, varicose veins and their underlying causes are quite treatable.

Various treatment options are available depending on the severity of your varicose veins, your medical history and your general health. Guidance from a qualified vein specialist is essential to ensure that your chosen treatment is a success and that you receive the right knowledge and resources for continued vein health. Dr. James Jimenez of The Vein Center of Florida & South Baldwin is skilled in all facets of phlebology (medicine concerning the veins).

“Goodbye cramping legs! Amazing procedure and not painful! Vein Center is a great place to have an EVLT. Dr. Jimenez is great!”

– E.B.

How Do Varicose Veins Form?

Veins continuously circulate blood throughout the body to bring oxygen-depleted blood from the extremities back to the heart. Veins in the lower half of the body must work harder to move blood towards the heart because they are working against the pull of gravity. Muscle contractions and elastic veins walls in the lower legs push blood upward, while tiny valves within the veins open and close to prevent the blood from flowing back down. Your body needs to maintain this constant, harmonious system to keep your circulation working efficiently.

When the valves that prevent backflow become damaged, blood flow is disrupted, leading to a build-up of pressure that eventually widens the affected vein and can cause blood to pool in the lower extremities. Eventually, as blood continues to pool and the vein continues to expand, the vessel protrudes from the skin and forms what is known as a varicose vein. These veins can be unsightly and disheartening, and may even cause physical discomfort that reduces your quality of life.

Getting the EVLT procedure was the best decision that I have ever made! I had big veins in the top of my leg that are completely gone. And Dr. J took his time to clear up anything else on my legs that may be a problem in the future. Dr. J is very kind and most professional, great to work with. I have already recommended him to my friends!

– E. H.

What Causes Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are strongly associated with genetics. If one or both of your parents have varicose veins, your risk increases significantly. This hereditary tendency is due to inherited weaknesses in vein walls or valve function.

While genetics play a significant role in the development of varicose veins, a multitude of other factors can also contribute to their appearance and progression:

  • Age – As we age, the valves in our veins may become weak, allowing blood that should move toward the heart to flow backward and pool
  • Sex – Women are at higher risk for varicose veins due to hormonal changes that occur during puberty, pregnancy and menopause, or those induced by birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy
  • Pregnancy – During pregnancy, the volume of blood in a woman’s body increases to support the growing fetus, which can also cause veins to enlarge
  • Underlying conditions – Certain medical conditions, such as venous insufficiency or venous reflux disease, can directly lead to varicose veins
  • Lifestyle — Crossing your legs frequently, standing or sitting for long periods, and certain dietary choices can potentially contribute to varicose veins
  • Occupation — Prolonged standing or sitting, particularly in jobs like teaching, nursing or factory work, can increase the pressure in the veins of the lower body
  • Physical activity — Regular physical activity can encourage blood circulation in the legs; inactivity, on the other hand, can increase the risk of varicose veins
  • Obesity — Carrying excess weight can put additional pressure on the veins and, over time, lead to the development of varicose veins

By understanding the possible causes of varicose veins, you can take proactive steps to manage your risk factors. Regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding long periods of standing or sitting can all contribute to maintaining life-long vein health.

What Health Issues Can Be Caused by Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are tangled, jumbled-looking bulges that can be unsightly and embarrassing. Women and men with varicose veins are often uncomfortable showing their legs in public, which prevents them from doing numerous enjoyable things, such as going to the beach or wearing shorts and skirts in summer. However, varicose veins aren’t just a threat to your self-confidence. They may be a medical issue as well as a cosmetic one.

When varicose veins initially appear, they may be harmless. As the veins continue to expand, however, a number of medical concerns can arise. Swelling is a common issue for sufferers of varicose veins. This swelling can lead to increased pain while walking, muscle spasms and restless leg syndrome. These issues are relatively minor compared to what untreated varicose veins can later become.

Skin discoloration, also known as lipodermatosclerosis, can develop as swelling worsens. Lipodermatosclerosis causes the skin to become brown or red and develop a hardened, leathery texture. These changes occur because the fatty tissue beneath the skin’s surface becomes inflamed and prone to disease. Lipodermatosclerosis is not just displeasing to the eyes, but also itchy and irritating, and may eventually lead to cracking and bleeding.

In severe circumstances, varicose veins can lead to venous stasis ulcers, which form due to chronic venous insufficiency and excessive pressure in the legs. These painful, long-lasting sores are the result of an issue that could have been prevented with proper treatment. Another serious complication of varicose veins is deep vein thrombosis, a condition that can lead to deadly blood clots in the lungs (pulmonary embolism).

While varicose veins may simply seem like a cosmetic problem, they should not be taken lightly. We encourage you to visit an experienced vein treatment provider early to ensure your varicose vein doesn’t develop into something more harmful.

Can I Treat Varicose Veins at Home?

It is possible to reduce some symptoms associated with varicose veins yourself, but it’s impossible to completely remove them with at-home methods. Wearing compression stockings can help alleviate the discomfort associated with varicose veins. By applying slight pressure on the area where the affected vessels are present, the stockings help the veins move blood more efficiently. Increasing exercise and making healthy changes in your diet are recommended to reduce your risk of developing varicose veins.

Although compression stockings can be an effective way to stave off swelling and tenderness caused by long periods of standing or sitting, they cannot reverse damage to the vein valves and walls, so the underlying issue will remain. Some people find that compression stockings have no beneficial effect. It’s best to meet with a vein specialist who can make recommendations regarding compression stockings and other varicose vein remedies. If you are interested in relieving pain and discomfort caused by varicose veins with compression stockings, compression therapy to relieve vein symptoms is offered at The Vein Center of Florida & South Baldwin.

At-home methods are not recommended as the exclusive treatments of varicose veins. While they may be helpful, it’s best to seek the guidance of an experienced professional who can determine the right course of action. Dr. J can develop a personalized treatment plan and provide advice to further the longevity of your vein health.

Dr. Jimenez is to me the essence of a good doctor: personable, concerned for your care, informative, humorous, punctual, does what he says, very competent! My wife and I have both had positive results. I am completely satisfied.

– James S.

When Should I See a Doctor for My Varicose Veins?

It’s never a bad time to see a doctor about your veins. Even if your varicose veins are not currently causing significant symptoms, it’s wise to have a vein specialist assess your vein health and recommend measures to keep the condition under control. If, however, you are experiencing any of the following signs and symptoms, it’s important to consult a Florida vein doctor sooner rather than later:

  • You have ongoing pain, heaviness or aching in your legs, especially after standing or sitting for extended periods
  • There is noticeable swelling, redness or a warm sensation over the area of your varicose veins
  • You notice skin changes such as itching, irritation, dryness, crusting, flaking, discoloration or the development of ulcers
  • A varicose vein is bleeding
  • Your symptoms are interfering with your daily activities or significantly diminishing your quality of life
  • You have sudden, unusual symptoms such as severe swelling in one leg, a marked increase in vein size or new veins developing at a rapid pace

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you are worried about your veins. Our team is here to guide you through diagnosis and treatment, ensuring your vein health is managed with the utmost precision and care.

Will Insurance Cover the Treatment of Varicose Veins?

Most insurance plans, including Medicare, cover varicose vein treatment when it is considered medically necessary. This means that if your varicose veins are causing pain, affecting your quality of life or leading to more serious health issues, your treatment is likely to be covered.

Insurance companies commonly require a period of conservative treatment, such as the use of compression stockings, before approving more invasive procedures. The length of this period can vary, but it often spans several weeks. We understand that insurance policies can be complex, and we are here to assist you in navigating them. We will guide you through the process of meeting your insurance provider’s requirements to ensure you receive coverage for your treatment.

At our vein clinic, we believe that financial concerns should not stand in the way of receiving quality vein care. We are dedicated to providing affordable treatment options and will explore every avenue to ensure you receive the care you need.

What Should I Expect From My Consultation?

When you arrive at The Vein Center of Florida & South Baldwin, you will receive a warm welcome from our front office staff and get acquainted with your care team. Come to your consultation wearing comfortable clothing and prepared to change into a provided pair of black medical shorts if needed.

When you meet with Dr. Jimenez, he will ask you about your medical history, symptoms and concerns. He will also conduct a physical examination to assess the condition of your veins. Dr. Jimenez is attentive and thorough during his consultations so he can make an accurate assessment of your condition before recommending treatment options.

A Doppler ultrasound examination may be required for a closer look at your veins. During these exams, you will lay on your back for the beginning of the imaging and switch to standing for the second portion. The procedure is painless. Dr. J performs and analyzes the ultrasounds himself so he can offer immediate insights and recommendations.

Varicose Vein Treatments Offered at The Varicose Vein Center of Florida & South Baldwin

Endovenous Laser Treatment
Ultrasound-Guided Foam Sclerotherapy
Ambulatory Phlebectomy
Scleroablative Therapy

What Happens After Varicose Vein Treatment?

After your Florida varicose vein treatment, you may be provided with compression stockings to wear. These are designed to offer graduated pressure, supporting your legs and promoting optimal blood flow during your recovery. There is little to no discomfort after treatment.

Recovery times can vary based on the individual and the specific treatment received. It’s common for patients to return to their daily routines almost immediately, with some even resuming light activities the next day. Dr. Jimenez will guide you on when it’s safe to return to more vigorous exercises and activities.

Dr. J will arrange a follow-up within the first week post-treatment to ensure everything is progressing as expected. A subsequent check-up is typically scheduled around three months after the procedure to monitor your long-term recovery and vein health. Further follow-ups are generally not needed unless specific concerns arise.

Is Varicose Vein Treatment Permanent?

Varicose vein treatments are designed to close off and eliminate the problematic veins, providing relief from symptoms and improving the appearance of your skin. These treatments are highly effective and the treated veins typically do not return.

However, the nature of venous disease means that new varicose veins can appear post-treatment, especially if there are underlying conditions or lifestyle factors that continue to affect your vein health. Recurrence is possible if the root cause of the issue isn’t fully addressed. To minimize the chance of new varicose veins forming, we emphasize the importance of lifestyle modifications and regular vein health check-ups post-treatment.

How Do You Prevent Varicose Veins?

The removal of varicose veins is an exciting opportunity to renew your health and confidence, but remember that these treatments do not prevent new varicose veins from arising. It’s important to continue making lifestyle choices that improve your circulation and support venous health.

Regular exercise is key. Because muscle contractions help pump blood against gravity through your legs, improving muscle tone can help reduce your risk. Even low-impact activities, such as walking or jogging, can make a significant difference. Avoid sitting or standing without shifting positions for long periods. Eating healthy is also essential.

Other simple lifestyle changes that can be made to improve your vein health include changes in your wardrobe, sitting and standing up straight, maintaining a healthy and stable weight, and elevating your legs. Avoiding clothing that is too tight in the waist, groin or legs can improve blood circulation. Good posture enhances blood flow and lessens the pressure on your veins. Raising your legs six to 12 inches a few times a day allows more blood to flow to your heart. All of these changes can have a significant impact on your risk of developing varicose veins.

After a varicose vein treatment with Dr. Jimenez, he will provide you with personalized recommendations and advice for preventing the future development of varicose veins.

The pain I was experiencing is gone! All of the lumpy veins behind my knees are gone. I am able to bend my legs and do yoga again. No more sleepless nights due to legs throbbing. Best darn vein clinic in town!

– Debra B

Request A Consultation

Dr. Jimenez offers free vein screenings prior to starting any varicose vein treatment. Based on this initial examination, he will recommend appropriate treatment options and suggest preventative measures you can take at home. Most people who undergo varicose vein treatment see significant improvements in their symptoms in very little time. We invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Jimenez by contacting us at 1-800-910-VEIN (8346) or by visiting our contact page.