How To Prevent Varicose Veins

Steven Jacobs
February 19, 2015

No matter where you live, unsightly varicose veins can be a hindrance on everyday life. This is especially true for people who live near the endlessly sunny beaches of Florida. Having large, visible veins can make people self-conscious when they should be enjoying themselves. The good news is that there are often easily treatable reasons for these veins, and the Vein Center of Florida specializes in their treatment.Varicose veins are caused by veins expanding from too much blood being forced through them, making them swell and increase in size. This is often caused by things like being overweight or with age. Being heavily overweight can cause you to put more pressure on your legs than your body can handle, forcing blood into your veins form the pressure applied. On the other hand, varicose veins increase during old age regardless of weight. This is because the tissue of your veins becomes weakened, allowing it to expand easier even with normal pressure. Sometimes as a combination of these reasons, pregnant women also can experience an increase in varicose veins.While there are many reasons for varicose veins to show up, there are also just as many countermeasures to prevent them. The key to general varicose vein health is to try not to stress your veins by overworking them in any way. If you are overweight for example, losing weight would be the first step to improving vein health. Other good tips are to try not to wear clothes that are tight enough to affect circulation, and to avoid sitting or standing for long amounts of time.While the above advice will help improve vein health, often times it takes the skill of a specialist to make sure that your veins are not only going to improve in look and in health, but also stay that way in the future. Getting a professional opinion on the specifics of your unique vein issue is extremely important, as there are often specific procedures and plans that only a specialist can assist you with.At the Vein Center of Florida there are many people with an intimate knowledge in the field of phlebotomy. Come in and see what we can do for you at our free screenings, and take the first step to freeing yourself from uncomfortable, ugly veins.

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