Vein Treatment Now or After the Holidays?

October 30, 2017

While the cooler weather will give you more chances to cover up your unsightly varicose veins with long pants, the coming holiday season may make your veins worse. Hours on your feet, cooking holiday meals, shopping for gifts, and attending holiday parties in high heels are just some of the ways you could actually worsen your varicose vein condition. At the Vein Center of Florida and The Vein Center of South Baldwin, we offer a variety of vein treatments that can get you ready for the busy winter months ahead.If you suffer from varicose veins, chances are you may be dreading all of the extra time spent on your feet during the holidays. Cramping and pain can be debilitating when you’re trying to bake and cook holiday meals, while pain and swelling after a long day of standing can end your holiday meal with a whimper. Compression stockings are a great way to help alleviate some of the discomfort caused by varicose veins, but they’re a temporary fix. To truly address the symptoms of varicose veins, you must get them treated.

Reasons to Get Your Vein Treatment Now!

Besides the fact that varicose veins can be uncomfortable, they may also be a harbinger of more serious problems deeper within your venous system. If that’s not enough, here are some other reasons a pre-holiday vein treatment is a good idea:

  • Some vein treatments result in minor swelling or bruising, so long pants can hide those effects until they fade.
  • Some treatments require that you wear compression stockings for a short time to promote healing. Undergoing your treatment in the fall and winter means you can avoid wearing hot stockings during the summer months.
  • Because many of the vein treatments available involve the absorption of the diseased vein into your body, the veins fade gradually. Getting your treatment in the winter can ensure smooth, healthy legs by spring.
  • If you have varicose veins, flying can present the complication of dangerous blood clots. Getting a vein treatment now means you’ll be ready to fly safely by the holidays.
  • Treatment at the end of the year may save you financially. Many have already satisfied or met portions of their insurance deductible and provides for less out of pocket costs.

Vein Treatments Requiring no Recovery Time

The good news is, most varicose and spider vein treatments these days are quick, in-office procedures. All of the vein treatments we provide at VCOF are minimally invasive procedures that usually take under an hour, are virtually painless, and require no downtime for recovery. Depending on your needs, one of these treatments can help make your holidays merry and bright:

  • Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT) - This procedure is performed in our office using only local anesthesia, and entails the insertion of a laser fiber into the problem vein through a small incision. As the laser fiber is slowly removed from the vein, it gives off heat that seals the vein, closing it permanently and allowing it to be absorbed into the body.
  • Sclerotherapy - Sclerotherapy involves the injection of a solution known as a sclerosant into the vein. The sclerosant causes the veins to close off and gradually disappear.
  • Ultrasound-Guided Sclerotherapy - This treatment is typically used on deeper problem veins. Ultrasound technology helps guide and track the sclerosant into the vein more effectively.
  • Ambulatory Phlebectomy - For varicose veins that are too large to be treated with sclerotherapy, this procedure involves a series of tiny incisions made in the vein. The problem vein is then removed in sections through the incisions.

With such a variety of treatment options, why would you want to wait? Call The Vein Center of Florida and The Vein Center of South Baldwin today at 1-800-910-VEIN to schedule a consultation with Dr. Jimenez, and enjoy your holidays to the fullest.

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Put your health in the hands of the best vein doctor, and get ready to show off your legs instead of hiding them. Call The Vein Center at 1-800-910-VEIN or click here to book your FREE consultation today with Dr. J!